Jump Busan / 3 hours

Tour Highlights
- Cultural Performance
Busan (- - -)
Your evening is highlighted with JUMP featuring spectacular Martial Arts. This dynamic show fuses the ancient Korean fighting arts of Taekwondo with Taekyeon and other Asian martial arts. Throw in a dash of acrobatics, and you have one hell of an evening out. Never lets the spectacular acrobatics obscure some fine comic acting. Previous martial arts shows have focused mostly on the craft, with the technique itself being the show.
JUMP is non verbal performance that is the first show of its kind to blend martial arts performance with a compelling and hilarious narrative. Fantasy and fighting come together as acrobatics and martial arts combine in a dazzling and jaw dropping performance usually seen just on movie screens. Set in an average Korean home, JUMP is centered around a typical, but dramatically agile, Korean family - from the authoritarian grandfather, drunken uncle and Taekwondo chopping mother to the awkward girlfriend's suitor.
Jump features lively actors, each with their own distinct moves and thoroughly entertaining stage presence. Performers mix acrobatics and martial arts in a highly technical, but fun for all ages, display that accelerates as the show reaches its climax. The audience is likely to forget that at heart this is a simple family drama due to the creativity and energy that brings this story to life. Each member is a martial arts expert, possessing championship level of Taekwondo and gymnastic skills. They enjoy nothing more than challenging each other to martial arts showdowns, displaying their awe-inspiring expertise. The plot thickens when two burglars break into the family home in the middle of the night - one a sleek, mean villain, the other a plump, bumbling idiot - complete with rather scary hair! When the family discovers the intruders, a mighty battle ensues. What follows is an incredible display of acrobatic and martial arts skills, with a healthy dose of slapstick humor. No tour on Mondays.